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GRATIS Lieferung 20. - 22. März. Details
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595,49 € () Enthält ausgewählte Optionen. Inklusive erster monatlicher Zahlung und ausgewählter Optionen. Details
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THURSO SURF Aufblasbares Stand-Up-Paddle-Board All-Around-SUP Waterwalker 132 335×81×15 cm | Carbonschaft-Paddel | Rollrucksack | Wiederaufladbare elektrische Pumpe | Spiralleine

4,0 4,0 von 5 Sternen 218 Sternebewertungen

595,49 €
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Farbe: Crimson
{"desktop_buybox_group_1":[{"displayPrice":"595,49 €","priceAmount":595.49,"currencySymbol":"€","integerValue":"595","decimalSeparator":",","fractionalValue":"49","symbolPosition":"right","hasSpace":true,"showFractionalPartIfEmpty":true,"offerListingId":"EInuc3JRkmD6KhdzwmT51hPWWwV8JGIeQxOUkZy15IHEfZaoy6emZyD4JnhdnRAgMc998MhQ7QCwlBrWXhDSgyIf7cTs%2BCd3cS0b%2B3bBAWtGiTh05d71eH%2B1LxlDXfjj7vTHu1AUUvibkXCW1VNBWCEoB4uG2%2BEWx0XSop4Y5YEze5Px1jScfNMY4RebiZ4W","locale":"de-DE","buyingOptionType":"NEW","aapiBuyingOptionIndex":0}]}

Kaufoptionen und Plus-Produkte

Farbe Crimson
Material Polyvinylchlorid (PVC)
Sport SUP
Artikelgewicht 26 Pfund

Info zu diesem Artikel

  • Der THURSO SURF Waterwalker 132 ist unser größtes aufblasbares Allround-Paddleboard. Die Integration einer Touring-Form sorgt für zusätzliche Paddelgeschwindigkeit und behält gleichzeitig die Stabilität eines Allround-Boards bei. Die Größe des Bretts eignet sich perfekt zum Tragen eines Hundes, zum Yoga oder ab und zu zum Angeln. Der Waterwalker ist das ideale erste Paddle-Board für Anfänger und macht fortgeschrittenen bis fortgeschrittenen Paddlern Spaß. Größe 335×81×15 cm. Wiegt 12 kg. Empfohlene/maximale Kapazität 70–95/150 kg.
  • Das aufblasbare SUP von THURSO SURF verfügt über die stärkste iSUP-Struktur, die auf dem Markt erhältlich ist. Alle unsere Paddleboards verfügen über eine Doppelschichtkonstruktion mit einem gewebten Drop-Stitch-Innenkern und einer äußeren PVC-Planenschicht in Militärqualität. Die Seitengitter sind zusätzlich mit PVC-Nähten verstärkt, um eine Delaminierung zu verhindern. Um das Paddleboard noch steifer zu machen, werden Carbon-Verstärkungsschienen hinzugefügt. Dadurch sind THURSO SURF SUP-Boards langlebig, steif, leicht und verhalten sich wie Hartboards.
  • Das mitgelieferte Carbonschaftpaddel ist das beste Paddel, das in jedem iSUP-Paket zu finden ist. Es ist denen aus Aluminium oder Glasfaser weit überlegen, ist stabiler, leichter und schwimmt im zusammengebauten Zustand. Die Klinge besteht aus einem robusten Carbon-Nylon-Hybrid-Verbundwerkstoff und ist durch eine Mittelrippe verstärkt, um ein Verziehen zu verhindern. Der Schaft und die Klinge werden mit einem Stift und einer Klammer zusammengehalten, um ein Lösen oder Verdrehen zu verhindern. Einstellbar von 180 cm bis 220 cm. Kann mit einem zusätzlichen Blatt (separat erhältlich) auch in ein Kajakpaddel umgewandelt werden.
  • Auf die Details kommt es an und THURSO SURF ist stolz darauf, in alle unsere SUP-Pakete standardmäßig hochwertiges Zubehör aufzunehmen. Die Dual Chamber Triple Action-Pumpe ist 100 % schneller als eine Einkammerpumpe, was Ihnen beim Paddeln Zeit und Energie spart. Es kann auch die Luft aus Ihrem SUP-Paddelboard ablassen, um das Packen zu erleichtern. Der Rollrucksack ist aus strapazierfähigem Oxford-Stoff gefertigt. Für einen bequemeren Transport sind die Räder vorne angebracht. Die hochwertige 10-Fuß-Spiralleine ist für sicheres Paddeln unerlässlich.
  • Spitzentechnik + beste Materialien + Deluxe-Zubehör + unübertroffener Service = THURSO SURF. Alle unsere Produkte durchlaufen zahlreiche Analysen und Tests, bevor wir ihre Materialien, Formen und Designs finalisieren. Wir stehen zu 100 % hinter unseren Produkten. Kaufen Sie mit absolutem Vertrauen – die aufblasbaren Paddleboards von THURSO SURF haben eine zweijährige Garantie auf das Board – wenn innerhalb von 24 Monaten nach dem Kauf ein Herstellerfehler festgestellt wird, sind Sie bei uns abgesichert.

Kaufe es zusammen mit

Dieser Artikel: THURSO SURF Aufblasbares Stand-Up-Paddle-Board All-Around-SUP Waterwalker 132 335×81×15 cm | Carbonschaft-Paddel | Rollrucksack | Wiederaufladbare elektrische Pumpe | Spiralleine
Lieferung 20 März - 22
Nur noch 5 auf Lager
Versandt und verkauft von THURSO SURF.
Erhalte es bis Freitag, 21. März
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Verkauf durch QC-SHOP, Lieferung durch Amazon Fulfillment.
Gesamtpreis: $00
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THURSO SURF Aufblasbares Stand-Up-Paddle-Board All-Around-SUP Waterwalker 132 335×81×15 cm | Carbonschaft-Paddel | Rollrucksack | Wiederaufladbare elektrische Pumpe | Spiralleine

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Sicherheits- und Produktressourcen

Im Lieferumfang enthalten

  • SUP Board
  • Carbonschaft-Paddel
  • Rollrucksack
  • Wiederaufladbare elektrische Pumpe
  • Spiralleine

  • Von der Marke


    thurso surf waterwalker paddle board all-around sup 11 ft 10'6 210 lbs inflatable

    thurso surf waterwalker 132 SUP crimson carbon enhanced

    CARBON-verstärktes Rigid

    An den Seiten sind CARBON-Verstärkungsschienen angebracht, die dem Board noch mehr Steifigkeit verleihen.

    THURSO SURF waterwalker 132 SUP crimson paddle holder

    Befreien Sie Ihre Hände da draußen

    Der Paddelhalter bewahrt das Paddel sicher auf, sodass Sie sich auf das Brett legen oder im Wasser planschen können!

    THURSO SURF waterwalker 132 SUP crimson GoPro

    Halte den Moment fest

    Eine GoPro-Halterung befindet sich praktischerweise an der Nase. Verfügt außerdem über ein M8-Gewinde für andere Ausrüstung.

    THURSO SURF inflatable stand up paddle board all around sup waterwalker 132 Fin

    Ohne Werkzeug. Zwei Konfigurationen.

    Alle drei Flossen können ohne Werkzeug entfernt werden, sodass zwei Flossenkonfigurationen möglich sind: Einzeln oder 2+1 für den Einsatz bei unterschiedlichen Wasserbedingungen.

    THURSO SURF waterwalker 132 SUP crimson wood graphic

    Inspiriert von Mutter Natur

    Die Grafik wurde von echtem Holz gescannt, um das Brett einzigartig und schön zu machen. Respekt für Mutter Natur.

    THURSO SURF waterwalker 132 SUP crimson deck pad

    Zusätzliche Traktion und Komfort

    Das strukturierte Deckpad sorgt für zusätzlichen Halt, selbst bei Nässe. Bietet außerdem Polsterung und Komfort für die Füße.

    THURSO SURF waterwalker 132 SUP crimson seat dring

    Ein SUP, das auch ein Kajak ist

    Zur Befestigung des Thurso Surf Kajaksitzes stehen seitliche D-Ringe zur Verfügung. Verwandeln Sie Ihr SUP im Handumdrehen in ein Kajak.

    THURSO SURF waterwalker 132 SUP crimson back bungee

    Tragen Sie Ihren Vorrat bei sich

    Ausziehbare Bungees an Nase und Ende sind schnell und einfach zugänglich und ermöglichen die sichere Aufbewahrung persönlicher Ausrüstung.

    THURSO SURF SUP paddle board accessories

    THURSO SURF inflatable stand up paddle board waterwalker all around sup carbon shaft kayak paddle

    Kehren Sie nie wieder zu Aluminiumpaddeln zurück

    Einer der größten Vorteile unseres Zusatzpakets ist unser CARBON-Hybridpaddel. Es wiegt NUR 32 Unzen, schwimmt und ist viel leichter als ein Aluminium- oder sogar Glasfaserpaddel. Probieren Sie es aus und Sie werden nie wieder mit einem anderen aufs Wasser gehen wollen. Mit dem neuen Verriegelungsmechanismus für den Schaft kann das SUP-Paddel auch durch einfaches Hinzufügen eines zweiten Blattes (separat erhältlich) in ein Kajakpaddel umgewandelt werden.

    THURSO SURF inflatable stand up paddle board all around sup Pump

    Bequem und energiesparend

    Die neue wiederaufladbare elektrische Luftpumpe hat einen eingebauten Akku, der bis zu 3 Boards in jeweils weniger als 15 Minuten aufpumpen kann, was Ihnen bei Ihren Paddeltouren Zeit und Energie spart. Die elektrische Paddelboardpumpe bietet auch die Möglichkeit, Ihr Board zur einfachen Lagerung zu entleeren. Wenn Sie unterwegs sind, können Sie sie für zusätzlichen Komfort an den Zigarettenanzünder Ihres Autos anschließen. Bringen Sie Ihr SUP schnell aufs Wasser mit der neuen wiederaufladbaren elektrischen SUP-Pumpe von Thurso Surf – Ihrem ultimativen Paddelbegleiter.

    THURSO SURF inflatable stand up paddle board all around sup roller backpack

    Lange Spaziergänge leicht gemacht

    Mithilfe eines Satzes robuster Rollen macht unser ROLLER-Rucksack den Weg zum Wasser viel einfacher. Die Außenhülle aus hochwertigem Nylon hält Sonnenlicht, Meerwasser und Sand stand. Sie ist robust und bietet Ihrem Board und Zubehör hervorragenden Schutz. Der gepolsterte Rücken sowie die Schulter- und Hüftgurte verteilen das Gewicht gleichmäßig und bieten höchsten Komfort.

    Waterwalker 132
    Waterwalker 126
    Waterwalker 120
    4,8 von 5 Sternen 6
    4,0 von 5 Sternen 10
    Preis no data no data no data no data 631,22 € 595,49 €
    Board-Typ All-around All-around All-around Touring All-around Yoga
    Größe 335x81x15 cm 320x79x15 cm 305x76x15 cm 350-381 cm 350x86x15 cm 325x86x15 cm
    Volumen 300 L 270 L 240 L 300-360 L 340 L 320 L
    Gewicht 11,5 kg 10,9 kg 10,2 kg 10,9-12 kg 13,2 kg 12,3 kg
    Kapazität 150 kg 135 kg 120 kg 150-180 kg 170 kg 160 kg
    Finnenset 2+1 Click Fin 2+1 Click Fin 2+1 Click Fin US Touring 2+1 Click Fin 2+1 Click Fin
    Paddel Carbonschaft/Kajak Cabrio Carbonschaft/Kajak Cabrio Carbonschaft/Kajak Cabrio Carbonschaft/Kajak Cabrio Carbonschaft/Kajak Cabrio Carbonschaft/Kajak Cabrio
    Rucksack Rollrucksack Rollrucksack Rollrucksack Rollrucksack Rollrucksack Rollrucksack
    Leine 3m aufgerollter Doppelwirbel 3m aufgerollter Doppelwirbel 3m aufgerollter Doppelwirbel 3m aufgerollter Doppelwirbel 3m aufgerollter Doppelwirbel 3m aufgerollter Doppelwirbel
    thurso surf explore beyond paddle board sup paddleboard inflatable blow up stand up

    Thurso Surf Explore Beyond

    Wir glauben, dass der beste Weg, Harmonie zu finden, in uns selbst liegt. Die Routine des modernen Lebens treibt uns dazu, zu hetzen, zu kämpfen und vom Kurs abzukommen. Thurso Surf wurde gegründet, um Menschen aus ihrer Alltagsroutine zu reißen und sie zu ermutigen, ihr wahres Selbst zu suchen. Wir möchten Sie an Orte bringen, an denen Sie noch nie zuvor waren, Ihnen eine andere Perspektive auf Mutter Natur geben und Ihnen die Möglichkeit bieten, mit Ihrer Seele in Kontakt zu treten – auf dem Wasser. Dort können Sie die tiefste Meditation, die aufrichtigste Kameradschaft oder einfach den reinsten Spaß genießen.

    Mit dieser Mission im Hinterkopf streben wir immer nach höchster Qualität und gleichzeitig nach den geringstmöglichen Kosten, damit jeder den Nervenkitzel des Paddelns erleben kann. Um die beste Leistung zum besten Preis zu erzielen, scheuen wir uns nicht, unsere Laborkittel anzuziehen. Unsere Materialien, Formen und Designs werden durch einen Hightech-, experimentellen Ansatz verfeinert, der modernste technische Verfahren und moderne Technologien wie Strömungsdynamik und Strukturanalyse einbezieht. Deshalb können Sie darauf vertrauen, dass wir immer zu 100 % hinter unseren Produkten stehen.

    Von dem Moment an, in dem Ihr neues Board bei uns eintrifft, betrachten wir Sie als Teil der Thurso Surf-Crew. Unser Team besteht aus einer Gruppe junger Leute, die keine Angst haben, Grenzen zu überschreiten und darüber hinaus zu erkunden – über die Orte hinaus, an denen wir schon waren, über typische Materialien, Designs und Konstruktionstechniken hinaus, wenn wir neue Ausrüstung entwickeln, und über unsere persönlichen Grenzen hinaus. Wir können es kaum erwarten, gemeinsam hinauszupaddeln!

    Du suchst nach bestimmten Informationen?


    4 von 5 Sternen
    218 weltweite Bewertungen

    Dieses Produkt bewerten

    Sag deine Meinung zu diesem Artikel

    Spitzenrezensionen aus Deutschland

    • Bewertet in Deutschland am 24. Juli 2020
      das Board macht einen stabilen Eindruck.
      Leider kann ich es nicht nutzen, da das Paddel nicht funktionsfähig ist.
      Ein Paddelhebel ist fehlerhaft montiert. Nun kann das Paddel nach Einstellung der Länge nicht mehr fest gestellt werden.
      Es schiebt sich immer wieder zusammen.
      Das Board ist so für mich nicht nutzbar. Ich habe Fotos geschickt, keine Reaktion vom Verkäufer. Schade.

    Spitzenrezensionen aus anderen Ländern

    Alle Rezensionen ins Deutsche übersetzen
    • Barry
      5,0 von 5 Sternen If you aren't a pro-SUPer, and don't want to spend a small fortune, buy this. It's got everything you need.
      Bewertet in Kanada am 14. Mai 2018
      Farbe: CrimsonVerifizierter Kauf
      This board is fantastic so far. Comes with everything but a life jacket. As others have said, the improved bag is really great with quality zippers and a comfy shoulder straps, the pump is pretty good, and just takes a bit of time to pump it up (it's a good little workout).
      The board itself is attractive, stable, not as heavy as expected, and plenty roomy enough for me and my 4yo. The cooler bag and waterproof cellphone case is a nice bonus. Keeps my 'lake pops' cold.
      Some people have complained about the leash being straight, and not coiled. Well, they are now shipping it with a coiled leash, which is super comfortable, so no complaints there.
      The only downside to this purchase is the paddle itself. It's not a BAD paddle, because it does have a carbon fiber shaft, and it breaks down well for travel, but the blade is actually much heavier than I expected. Couple that with a super lightweight shaft, and you get a paddle that is very awkward to use. It's bottom heavy, so switching hands can be off-putting. Also, the handle doesn't fit in very tight to the middle part of the shaft, so a good hard paddle stroke can make the top part of the shaft, where the handle is, twist during the stroke. Not the end of the world, though. This really is a great deal, and a smooth, well tracking ride. Totally worth the money.

      Update: Loaned the board out to someone, and they somehow dropped the bottom part of the paddle into the lake...apparently it doesn't float. Lost a fin too...But Thurso has lots of spare parts you can order, which I did. After contacting Thurso, they sent me a new paddle, free of charge, with an updated lower shaft paddle lock so it won't accidentally fall off. Still loving the board and have totally gotten used to the heavy ended paddle.
    • Amazon Customer
      5,0 von 5 Sternen 11' - Stunning Quality, first time iSUP, I am blown away!
      Bewertet in den USA am17. August 2018
      Farbe: CrimsonVerifizierter Kauf
      I'm going to write a little story, so prepare to be amazed with magic and mist.

      I've been looking to a watercraft solution for almost a year. I drive a tiny car that I have no intention of getting rid of for the very long future. I've been wanting a Kayak for the past 8 months but it's just not feasible for me to transport it, so I decided that perhaps a kayak wasn't the answer. Maybe kiteboarding? Surfing? I wanted to get on the water and take advantage of Guam while I remain stationed here. (US Coast Guard).

      My friend randomly showed up with an inflatable board by another (much more expensive company) and I was so intrigued by its build and rigidity and AWESOMENESS that it struck me as a new necessity.

      After long hours of research, I chose THURSO SURF and holy mcnuggets did I choose wisely! This is your answer for an inflatable board that can probably do most of anything.

      Shipping to Guam is a nightmare because of customs, so the box arrived mutilated and surrounded by tape (This is normal, no fault to Amazon fulfillment, they take apart every box in this nature) The contents were well-packed inside the given bag and there were no missing pieces. I'll give a little mention to all included:

      The BACKPACK!
      This backpack could be sold alone and be well worth the money. The zippers have a heavy feeling to them and the material feels extremely sturdy and well-made....not to mention that there is a fairly decent amount of padding on the back and shoulder straps. There are two additional buckles, one around the waist and the other around the chest. These snap . I didn't get much use out of them because I haven't been hiking with this thing yet but I'm sure it'll be handy.

      Carbon Fiber Paddle: I've never been on a paddle board, so I can't give an accurate comparison. They say it's super light compared to other materials, so for what it's worth I was paddling for about 2 hours and was not fatigued. I can tell you that it is super aesthetic, and I do like how badass it looks.

      Deck Cooler: This was a fun surprise that I might not have thought of until you get thirsty while boarding about. It kept my water bottles relatively cool on their own, I will need to add some gel ice packs next time. One note, the interior chamber is NOT water proof. I totally fell off the board and capsized... not a negative aspect really, but you should be aware that your sandwiches should be in plastic baggies and not wrapped in foil or napkins just in case.

      Foot leash: The straps are solid and I definitely had to use this when I fell off, and it did its thing. The fact that it's a coiled line is a big plus, it never got in the way while I was out there.

      The pump: It's a dual action pump with a pressure gauge. It works well. It took me about 10 minutes of pumping in total, and that was with a two minute break (once you get to 10 PSI or so I switch to the single action mode as it can get strenuous.

      THE BOARD! The main event! THE LEGEND! I filled it up to about 14 PSI and it felt great to stand on, sit on, and inevitably fall off of (no fault of the board, I'm just super inexperienced with it). It looks fantastic, several others on the water that day asked me about it and got several compliments. Standing on the board is comfortable and cushy, but still feels rigid . Once inflated, it feels very solid. The bungee straps on the bow were able to hold all of my snorkel gear and could probably hold even more stuff. Nothing came loose when I capsized. Deflation is easy and painless. you roll it up, wash it with fresh water, and everything fits great in the bag.

      All inflatable boards stick out of the water a bit more than a standard, and I had a little problem with the wind pushing me, but that's expected and wasn't a huge deal (even with 15 knot gusts).

      I also purchased the seat that THURSO sells, and it fit well and had plenty of support. I have bad knees due to surgeries and kneeling isn't comfotable at all. I'd recommend it if you are a fan of back support and just chillin in the water to enjoy a snack.

      If you're in the market for an inflatable paddle board, this is pretty much the best deal you're going to find. Highest quality materials, head turning aesthetics, and a competitive price put this as my #1 choice. I'm about to go out again right now!
      Amazon Customer
      5,0 von 5 Sternen
      11' - Stunning Quality, first time iSUP, I am blown away!

      Bewertet in den USA am17. August 2018
      I'm going to write a little story, so prepare to be amazed with magic and mist.

      I've been looking to a watercraft solution for almost a year. I drive a tiny car that I have no intention of getting rid of for the very long future. I've been wanting a Kayak for the past 8 months but it's just not feasible for me to transport it, so I decided that perhaps a kayak wasn't the answer. Maybe kiteboarding? Surfing? I wanted to get on the water and take advantage of Guam while I remain stationed here. (US Coast Guard).

      My friend randomly showed up with an inflatable board by another (much more expensive company) and I was so intrigued by its build and rigidity and AWESOMENESS that it struck me as a new necessity.

      After long hours of research, I chose THURSO SURF and holy mcnuggets did I choose wisely! This is your answer for an inflatable board that can probably do most of anything.

      Shipping to Guam is a nightmare because of customs, so the box arrived mutilated and surrounded by tape (This is normal, no fault to Amazon fulfillment, they take apart every box in this nature) The contents were well-packed inside the given bag and there were no missing pieces. I'll give a little mention to all included:

      The BACKPACK!
      This backpack could be sold alone and be well worth the money. The zippers have a heavy feeling to them and the material feels extremely sturdy and well-made....not to mention that there is a fairly decent amount of padding on the back and shoulder straps. There are two additional buckles, one around the waist and the other around the chest. These snap . I didn't get much use out of them because I haven't been hiking with this thing yet but I'm sure it'll be handy.

      Carbon Fiber Paddle: I've never been on a paddle board, so I can't give an accurate comparison. They say it's super light compared to other materials, so for what it's worth I was paddling for about 2 hours and was not fatigued. I can tell you that it is super aesthetic, and I do like how badass it looks.

      Deck Cooler: This was a fun surprise that I might not have thought of until you get thirsty while boarding about. It kept my water bottles relatively cool on their own, I will need to add some gel ice packs next time. One note, the interior chamber is NOT water proof. I totally fell off the board and capsized... not a negative aspect really, but you should be aware that your sandwiches should be in plastic baggies and not wrapped in foil or napkins just in case.

      Foot leash: The straps are solid and I definitely had to use this when I fell off, and it did its thing. The fact that it's a coiled line is a big plus, it never got in the way while I was out there.

      The pump: It's a dual action pump with a pressure gauge. It works well. It took me about 10 minutes of pumping in total, and that was with a two minute break (once you get to 10 PSI or so I switch to the single action mode as it can get strenuous.

      THE BOARD! The main event! THE LEGEND! I filled it up to about 14 PSI and it felt great to stand on, sit on, and inevitably fall off of (no fault of the board, I'm just super inexperienced with it). It looks fantastic, several others on the water that day asked me about it and got several compliments. Standing on the board is comfortable and cushy, but still feels rigid . Once inflated, it feels very solid. The bungee straps on the bow were able to hold all of my snorkel gear and could probably hold even more stuff. Nothing came loose when I capsized. Deflation is easy and painless. you roll it up, wash it with fresh water, and everything fits great in the bag.

      All inflatable boards stick out of the water a bit more than a standard, and I had a little problem with the wind pushing me, but that's expected and wasn't a huge deal (even with 15 knot gusts).

      I also purchased the seat that THURSO sells, and it fit well and had plenty of support. I have bad knees due to surgeries and kneeling isn't comfotable at all. I'd recommend it if you are a fan of back support and just chillin in the water to enjoy a snack.

      If you're in the market for an inflatable paddle board, this is pretty much the best deal you're going to find. Highest quality materials, head turning aesthetics, and a competitive price put this as my #1 choice. I'm about to go out again right now!
      Bilder in dieser Rezension
    • Theresa Wilson
      1,0 von 5 Sternen Up the creek without a PADDLE!!
      Bewertet in den USA am13. Juli 2018
      Farbe: CrimsonVerifizierter Kauf
      Love the board, but after only a few uses the paddle came apart and sunk while using. Note that the paddle part had slipped off 2 times previously and had been retightened each time... those times the paddle floated so I could grab it. Not so on the 3rd time it fell apart. Amazon advised return of entire product, but I only need the paddle replaced. Why would I pay to have 60 lbs of product returned unnecessarily? No response from the company after I emailed them. Bummed. Buyer beware!
    • Amazon Customer
      4,0 von 5 Sternen Good SUP, awesome add-ons but not a fan of the EVA pad
      Bewertet in Kanada am 31. Juli 2017
      Farbe: CrimsonVerifizierter Kauf
      The SUP arrived extremely fast thanks to amazon (ordered on Wednesday and was delivered Thursday afternoon). It is a good SUP, very rigid it doesn't look like an inflatable once properly inflated. It is stable, although not as stable as a solid board and the feeling on small waves is a bit different. Since the bottom and sides are white, it gets scratched and marked very easily. However, it doesn't seem to make the board less durable, just not as nice looking.

      The one thing I don't like about this board is the EVA pad. Why did they decide to do an EVA pad with lines of different height?? It helps with the grip, sure, but it is a lot harder on your feet and if you are going to spend any time paddling on your knees you will need to change position often as the lines dig into your legs and you end up with the lines imprinted on your legs.

      As for the pump, it is a bit of a workout to inflate it properly but I managed to inflate it to 15 psi in about 5-10 minutes and I am a small woman, not that strong...so if I can do it, you can. However, if you need to inflate/ deflate it every time you will use your board, you might want to consider getting an electrical pump.

      A good purchase also would be straps to carry the board if you will carry it inflated. I have a 5 minutes walk from my house to the river and it is awkward to carry inflated with the handle provided. The handle digs into your fingers and cuts circulation. It is a massive board so not that easy to carry even if it's not that heavy.

      The add-ons are awesome. I like the leash, the bag and the cooler that came with it. The paddle seems sturdy and is very lightweight since it is a carbon paddle. It is nice that they now include 3 fins, I paddle in shallow waters sometimes and I can remove the bigger fin, keeping only the side ones so it doesn't get scratched on rocks (you loose a lot of speed but make sharper turns).
    • Amazon Customer
      5,0 von 5 Sternen Awesome board! Best way to enjoy the water!
      Bewertet in Kanada am 24. November 2019
      Farbe: CrimsonVerifizierter Kauf
      I did a lot of research before I bought this board – it’s been 2 years now - and I have no regrets.

      It’s a great deal with not just the board (which looks amazing), but also a great paddle, pump, carry bag, and cooler bag (that I use all the time on trips). The board is very sturdy and is relatively easy to inflate. The 1st year, I inflated and deflated it after every use. However, inflating it is still a bit of a workout – so this year I’ve left it inflated all year round and just throw it on the roof rack of my vehicle when I want to go out. I’ve had no problems at all travelling at speeds up to 80 km/hr. (I haven’t tried faster). The board is still in perfect condition.

      The board is very stable, and easy to also carry a small passenger. I bring my 4yr-old daughter on it all the time. Alternatively, I've also switched it up by tying an inflatable rubber dingy to back of board and pulling her around the lake without any issues. So fun for the whole family!

      My only single complaint is about the paddle. It floats **IF** it is fully assembled. Unfortunately, on a trip this year, the paddle blade suddenly fell off which was surprising in of itself. But even more surprising was watching it sink. I had been paddling for 2 hours, so it would’ve have been a very long day trying to get back – but fortunately - at that moment the water was only 8 ft deep, and I was able to dive down and get recover it.

      Still, I love the board and the gear. But…I will be getting a back-up paddle for future trips 😊

      Well, the board had a great run, but it exploded today as the glue on one of the seams gave way.
      Lots of great memories - but I guess nothing last forever.
      2018 - 2024.
      Amazon Customer
      5,0 von 5 Sternen
      Awesome board! Best way to enjoy the water!

      Bewertet in Kanada am 24. November 2019
      I did a lot of research before I bought this board – it’s been 2 years now - and I have no regrets.

      It’s a great deal with not just the board (which looks amazing), but also a great paddle, pump, carry bag, and cooler bag (that I use all the time on trips). The board is very sturdy and is relatively easy to inflate. The 1st year, I inflated and deflated it after every use. However, inflating it is still a bit of a workout – so this year I’ve left it inflated all year round and just throw it on the roof rack of my vehicle when I want to go out. I’ve had no problems at all travelling at speeds up to 80 km/hr. (I haven’t tried faster). The board is still in perfect condition.

      The board is very stable, and easy to also carry a small passenger. I bring my 4yr-old daughter on it all the time. Alternatively, I've also switched it up by tying an inflatable rubber dingy to back of board and pulling her around the lake without any issues. So fun for the whole family!

      My only single complaint is about the paddle. It floats **IF** it is fully assembled. Unfortunately, on a trip this year, the paddle blade suddenly fell off which was surprising in of itself. But even more surprising was watching it sink. I had been paddling for 2 hours, so it would’ve have been a very long day trying to get back – but fortunately - at that moment the water was only 8 ft deep, and I was able to dive down and get recover it.

      Still, I love the board and the gear. But…I will be getting a back-up paddle for future trips 😊

      Well, the board had a great run, but it exploded today as the glue on one of the seams gave way.
      Lots of great memories - but I guess nothing last forever.
      2018 - 2024.
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