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Krinner - Tree Genie L (Gen 2) - Einzelkabelbetrieb, Wasserstandsanzeige, 5 Stabilisatorfüße, bis zu 8 Fuß Bäume - Weihnachtsbaumständer

4,7 4,7 von 5 Sternen 1.769 Sternebewertungen

Farbe Grün
Material Kunststoff
Marke Krinner
Artikelmaße L x B x H 45,7 x 45,7 x 15,2 cm
Oberflächentyp Gemalt

Info zu diesem Artikel

  • Einzelkabelbetrieb garantiert einen gleichmäßigen Klauendruck um die Basis des Kofferraums. Dieses Gerät sorgt für einen festen und geraden Stand unabhängig von der Größe/Form des Kofferraums. Sie müssen keine Schrauben festziehen oder zusätzliche Werkzeuge verwenden!
  • Stellen Sie Ihren Baum einfach in den offenen Ständer, verwenden Sie das Fußpedal, bis die Krallen den Stamm fest greifen. Sobald Sie fertig sind, wird Ihr Pedal verriegelt und der Baum wird nirgendwo hingehen.
  • Mit der Tree Genie Serie lässt sich Ihr Baum jederzeit bequem verstellen, keine zusätzlichen helfenden Hände erforderlich.
  • Fügen Sie Leitungswasser hinzu, um Ihren Baum frisch zu halten. Füllen Sie den Tank langsam mit Leitungswasser, bis die Füllstandsanzeige deutlich sichtbar ist, d.h. er ist voll.
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Krinner 's Christmas Tree Genie L kommt mit den größten Krinner-Erfindungen. Keine Montage erforderlich - keine Schrauben zum Festziehen. Der Baumständer ist mit dem originalen Einzelkabelbetrieb des Erfinders ausgestattet und die Basis enthält 5 Stabilisatorfüße für zusätzliche Sicherheit. Stellen Sie Ihren Baum einfach in den geöffneten Ständer auf dem Spieß, halten Sie ihn gerade und pumpen Sie das Fußpedal, bis die Krallen den Stamm fest halten. Ihr Baum ist in wenigen Sekunden aufgestellt und bereit zum Dekorieren.


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Krinner - Tree Genie L (Gen 2) - Einzelkabelbetrieb, Wasserstandsanzeige, 5 Stabilisatorfüße, bis zu 8 Fuß Bäume - Weihnachtsbaumständer

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  • Krinner Tree Genie L (Gen 2) - Einzelkabelbetrieb
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    4,7 von 5 Sternen
    1.769 weltweite Bewertungen

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    • JG
      5,0 von 5 Sternen Christmas tree stand
      Bewertet in Australien am 21. Januar 2025
      Fantastic product - completely removed the tension of Christmas tree installation 😵‍💫 Simple to use, easy to store, have had it for 3 years and it makes the process easy! Happy buyer.
    • Luis Peraza
      5,0 von 5 Sternen Easy peasy
      Bewertet in Mexiko am 29. Dezember 2021
      Vale cada centavo. Aquí en México se acostumbra (al menos donde yo vivo) clavarle una cruz de madera al pino para que se mantenga de pie. Este año compré mi soporte krinner, fui con la familia a escoger árbol muy temprano, escogimos uno tipo Noble de 190cm de alto, recién estaba llegando muy fresco y bonito y lo pedimos sin la dichosa cruz de madera, lo compramos, lo amarraron a la camioneta, llegamos a la casa, lo bajé, lo metí a la sala, levanté el pino 10cm, mi esposa lo centro en el krinner, lo bajé lentamente, ella pisó el pedal unas cuantas veces y en menos de 30 segundos el pino ya estaba en pie, agregamos agua periódicamente y a diferencia de años anteriores parece que va llegar a enero en muy buen estado.
    • James Dunn
      5,0 von 5 Sternen Recap on this product. 12/31/2018. Thing you should know. Great product
      Bewertet in den USA am24. November 2018
      This is by far one of the best tree stands I've ever had. Put my tree up in seconds. I did a lot of research reading multiple reviews. The number one complaint was water leaking. I can say it holds a full gallon of water. I notice that some people broke the stand by ripping the clamps out. I believe this is because they stood one the peddle with all there weight. I tighten it up until it stop without putting all my weight on the peddle. You dont need to put all your weight into tightening this stand. I jerked the tree around afterwards and it's not going anywhere. (Make sure you use the double lock). I filled my stand up with water before we installed our tree to make sure it doesn't leak. I noticed that you can't fill this stand up all the way with water or it will leak out. Make sure you set the tree in this stand DO NOT slam it down on the spike.

      Easy set up. The construction of this stand is good it's heavy and is made out of plastic. I believe the spike in the middle is metal but do quote me on that. The cable design is strong and easy to use. Easy to read water level. It makes for keeping the tree watered easy.

      The clamps are plastic and if you're not careful you can break them by over tightening the cable. If you stomp the crap out of the stand.
      There really isn't that many cons.

      This is worth the money if you want an easy tree set up and makong it straight!!!

      After the first Christmas of using this stand. Great product I can't say enough about how great this stand is. I cut almost half my tree off so I can put it in the corner of my house. With all the weight on one side with all the Christmas ornaments as well this stand stayed strong and didn't budged at all. After I took it out, I cut it apart in the stand. It held the tree in place with no problem. I only had to water the tree 3 times in over 30 days that's just awesome in my opinion.
      James Dunn
      5,0 von 5 Sternen
      Recap on this product. 12/31/2018. Thing you should know. Great product

      Bewertet in den USA am24. November 2018
      This is by far one of the best tree stands I've ever had. Put my tree up in seconds. I did a lot of research reading multiple reviews. The number one complaint was water leaking. I can say it holds a full gallon of water. I notice that some people broke the stand by ripping the clamps out. I believe this is because they stood one the peddle with all there weight. I tighten it up until it stop without putting all my weight on the peddle. You dont need to put all your weight into tightening this stand. I jerked the tree around afterwards and it's not going anywhere. (Make sure you use the double lock). I filled my stand up with water before we installed our tree to make sure it doesn't leak. I noticed that you can't fill this stand up all the way with water or it will leak out. Make sure you set the tree in this stand DO NOT slam it down on the spike.

      Easy set up. The construction of this stand is good it's heavy and is made out of plastic. I believe the spike in the middle is metal but do quote me on that. The cable design is strong and easy to use. Easy to read water level. It makes for keeping the tree watered easy.

      The clamps are plastic and if you're not careful you can break them by over tightening the cable. If you stomp the crap out of the stand.
      There really isn't that many cons.

      This is worth the money if you want an easy tree set up and makong it straight!!!

      After the first Christmas of using this stand. Great product I can't say enough about how great this stand is. I cut almost half my tree off so I can put it in the corner of my house. With all the weight on one side with all the Christmas ornaments as well this stand stayed strong and didn't budged at all. After I took it out, I cut it apart in the stand. It held the tree in place with no problem. I only had to water the tree 3 times in over 30 days that's just awesome in my opinion.
      Bilder in dieser Rezension
    • gedesign
      5,0 von 5 Sternen Base para arboles naturales de hasta 2.4 metros de altura.
      Bewertet in Mexiko am 9. Dezember 2021
      Base pesada y firme para arboles naturales de hasta 2.4 metros de altura. Tiene deposito para 4 litros de agua. La ultima version tiene flotador que te indica el nivel del agua. Tiene patas que se extienden para darle mayo estabilidad. Super facil de usar, solo hay que presionar el pedal en repetidas ocasiones para que sierre el mecanismo que sujeta el arbol. Tiene seguro que impide que se libere el mecanismo.
    • Ana Paula
      5,0 von 5 Sternen Vale la pena
      Bewertet in Mexiko am 20. Dezember 2022
      No me tardé nada en poner el árbol y se ve bien